lol. great movie
seriously this was great. keep the good work up.
lol. great movie
seriously this was great. keep the good work up.
please... stop the damn flashing
it seriously i think is those colors they hurt your eye like hell.... try not to add too much flashing backgrounds like that especially if its bright like that... otherwise idk
it actually looked exactly like the normal intro except sonic characters! seriously this is awesome.
is not a tribute in someways how u animate this.
when sonic was super sonic or hyper sonic which was in sonic and knuckles i think when it was connected to sonic 3 never had sonic shoot stuff like dragon ball z so that lowered the score and second sonic isn't going to blow a huge chunk off the world probally killing people which the way sega made the games soni wouldnt kill people or blow up the polace he lives on. the part that was 3-d was good but it isnt exactly tributing towards it with the dbz things, the aura think he had so that was also animated well ending with a 6 overall.
u upgraded the drawing skills and the body navi has when zoomed in is better and overall its f'ing awesome. u should complete the story of the game i would watch it cause both this and the first were great.
was f'ing awesome
best parody of Loz: ocarina of time ive ever seen/ it was a nice of idea of zooming in on navi and giving her a body.
ummm......... it sucked
IT SUCKED and was a disgrace to the sonic series. seriously no sound it didnt move that often and it was using text boxes!!!!!!!!! overall:sucked
Ever heard of constructive critisisum? """jackass"""
Joined on 4/6/04